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The next WH40K tournament is on March 16th!
⚔️ Format: 3 games; 2k pts.
⚔️ List submission due date: 2024-03-11
⚔️ Paint/Model requirements: Battle Ready, semi-WYSIWYG (opponent must be able to easily differentiate different weapons in the same squad)
⚔️ Terrain format: WTC
⚔️ Price: 25 Eur (20 Eur for the club members) + food included. Prizes are store credits.
⚔️ Location: Wargamer club in Vilnius, Lithuania
⚔️ Timetable:
09:00 intro
09:15-12:15 Game 1
12:15-12:45 Small Break
12:45-15:45 Game 2
15:45-16:45 Big Break
16:45-19:45 Game 3
19:45-20:00 Outro


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